Monday, April 19, 2010

Children's Dentistry Romeoville IL

Caring For Kids is Different
Choosing Your Child’s Dentist is Like Choosing
Their Pediatrician

The Staff at Romeoville understand this. Instilling good habits early, in an environment that’s comfortable and fun, is essential for a lifetime of good oral health.

To ensure healthy teeth, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a first visit by 12 months old. Children’s teeth can be very susceptible to cavities at a young age due to many factors:

• Children are not able to brush well on their own. Because of this, it is important for parents to be involved in their child’s daily dental care. This ensures both thorough cleaning as well as the development of proper dental habits.

• Little kids tend to eat more often during the day (grazing). This results in a prolonged exposure to acid (every time you eat you make acid), which may cause more cavities.
Childrens Dentist Romeoville Illinois

A tooth that is not as clean as it should be will be exposed to acid when food and juice contact it. This acid often speeds up the development of cavities. The good news is that identifying poor dietary and hygiene habits, along with applying a fluoride varnish to the mineralizing teeth, can significantly reduce the chance of your child having a cavity.

Visit us at to learn more about our dental care services.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Romeoville IL Dentist on the Mobile Web

Romeoville Dental Center
Now Accessible on the Mobile Web!

Visit us at using your mobile device.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dental Implants Dentist Romeoville IL

Implants, Tooth Implants, Teeth Implants, Romeoville IL

Missing Teeth? Why Not ‘Grow’ New Ones!

Dental implants are the ideal way to replace lost teeth. From the teeth at the front of the mouth, which are the most visible, to the back teeth, which should be solid enough to eat a full variety of foods, implants can help you recapture a beautiful and healthy smile. Unlike bridges or removable dentures, which sit on top of the gums, dental implants are placed under the gums. The “tooth” placed on an implant appears life-like, because it comes through the gums just like the original did – it’s like growing a new tooth! Implants can be used to replace any number of lost teeth. Even people with no teeth can benefit from implants, because they can replace their dentures with teeth that don’t move around when they talk, and they don’t need to be taken out at night. Because we handle the entire process from implant placement to crown fabrication, there’s no need to be referred to another office. Call for a no-obligation implant consultation today.

Visit our main web site to learn more!
Dental Implants Dentist Romeoville IL