Friday, June 1, 2012

Preventive Dental Care

Dental Sealants and Fissurotomy

By some accounts, 80% of tooth decay begins in the pits and fissures of teeth. Toothbrush bristles may not be able to completely remove food from those areas. Dental sealants and fissurotomy techniques may help protect against these types of cavities. This animation opens by describing the epidemic nature of pit & fissure cavities, and the impetus for their prevention. Pits and fissures are shown in cross-section, and dissolution of tooth enamel in the inaccessible fissures is illustrated- ultimately progressing to caries in dentin. Prophylactic odontotomy (fissurotomy) is described as a potentially viable means of eliminating deep fissures, along with use of microabrasion handpieces to debride the grooves. Sealants are applied, stressing the importance of good moisture control. Microleakage is discussed as a possible consequence of maintaining poor moisture control during placement, followed by caries progression which may be difficult to observe clinically. Finally, a failing sealant is shown, which illustrates the most common problems associated with sealants.

Video and article created by:

Dental Office
Romeoville Dental Center
620 Town Hall Drive Romeoville IL 60446
Tel: (815) 886-0875